Structural Design

Armor Tower, Inc. personnel have designed guyed towers, self-supporting towers, tubular towers (monopoles), flag poles, concealment applications (pine trees, church steeples), tower foundations, tower reinforcement, antenna mounts for virtually any location (roof tops, water tanks, power line towers).
Towers and antenna mounts are designed to a specific industry code and/or local/site specific zoning requirements.
The best way to ensure that you are getting a high quality product from your supplier and getting your money's worth is to have an independent review conducted by Armor Tower, Inc. This will insure that your requirements are being met and you don't have to worry about the tower structure not being able to perform when additional co-locators are interested in leasing the space from you in the future.
Here are a few design examples:
- Concealment Applications [PDF]
- Platforms [PDF]
Custom Tower Mounts [PDF]
example shown is a power line tower mount
Other Structures
Armor Tower, Inc. also offers structural design services for a wide variety of other residential, industrial, and light commercial projects, employing the following building materials:
- timber
- masonry
- structural steel
- light gauge metal framing
- reinforced concrete
We can provide structural analysis and design, preparation of construction documents, lateral design including wind and seismic, foundation and retaining wall design.
For more information on structural design, or to get a quote, please contact us.